These Rules and Regulations adopted October 5, 2020 and updated January 7th 2023 by the Board of Directors of Waddell Haciendas Landowners Association (the “Association” or “WHLA”) per Article VII of its Bylaws.



a.Lot owner (as recorded with the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office) must be a member of the Waddell Haciendas Homeowners Association (“WHLA”) by payment of the annual membership fee of $140.00 for the current year.   Annual membership year runs from June 1st of one year through May 31st of the following year.  There is no prorating of the annual fee.  If lot changes ownership after paying annual dues, the annual dues are considered paid for that lot even under the new ownership until the new membership year.

b.Member must have funds on deposit with the Association (other than the annual membership fee) to pay for the water delivered by Maricopa Water District.  

c.Payment is by check or money order only.   No cash will be accepted.  Mail check or money order to WHLA, P.O. Box 902, Waddell, AZ 85355.  Checks must be received by the Monday just prior to the weekend of irrigation.  DO NOT leave payment at ordering box at the end of 184th Avenue on Acoma.  DO NOT deliver or attempt payment at Water Master’s, any Board Member’s, or contracted scheduler’s home at any time, including minutes or a few hours before cut off time; such payment will not be accepted. 


a. ORDERING WATER:  Orders or requests for irrigation must be received by WHLA by 5:00 P.M. on the Wednesday prior to the weekend scheduled for irrigation.  Requests for water are to be made in one of the three options below:

i.Use of IRRIGATION ORDERS NAV SYSTEM commonly referred to as IONS.  IONS is accessed through the WHLA website and is an online system for ordering water developed for WHLA members.  As this system is in current time the deadline for ordering water with IONS is midnight of the Thursday prior to the weekend scheduled for irrigation.

ii.By completing the WHLA website Irrigation Order Form; or

iii.By a written request deposited in the WHLA mailbox at end of 184th Avenue on Acoma  

NO ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY PERSONAL EMAIL, PHONE CALL, or any other means except those listed above.

b.STANDING ORDER LIST:  A list of standing orders is kept by WHLA.  Standing orders are orders that remain the same week after week.  If a member changes said standing order more than three times they are removed from the standing order list and must order water as stated in the above paragraph (Section I, 2a).

The standing list may be cleared towards the end of the year or discontinued during the Beardsley Canal Maintenance period as determined by the Board to prevent irrigation mishaps. If a member wants to renew that standing order, please let the contracted scheduler know by one of the three (3) options in above paragraph (Section 1, 2a).

c.Timing of water delivery is mandated by Maricopa Water District but is currently every other week and usually begins Saturday morning and continuing until all orders are accommodated.  Delivery time is scheduled by a contracted scheduler.  As this is a gravity powered system, water is scheduled to members going from north to south on each leg.  Leg 1 -3 is in Unit 1 of Waddell Haciendas (Lots 8 through 100); Legs 4-6 are in Unit 2 of Waddell Haciendas (Lots 101 through 184).  The individual legs in each unit are rotated with each irrigation.  Each Unit has its own separate water infrastructure system. Please keep in mind

d.Members are e-mailed a list of requested hours Thursday to verify number of hours ordered. Schedule of water delivery is usually e-mailed to members the Friday morning before Saturday’s irrigation.  It is also posted by Friday noon on the bulletin board at end of 184th Avenue on Acoma.   Please remember if you do

WHLA has no control over email hosts and the internet.

e.In the past, there have been two extra weekend irrigations per year.  One in the spring and one in the fall to assist in spring and fall planting.


a.Any taking of water by either a connection or opening of valves when not a member or not scheduled is unauthorized.

b.Any continued unauthorized taking of water may result in the Association capping off the main line at the owner’s expense.  If a subsequent property owner wants to reconnect to the irrigation line a fee of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) will be charged by the Association to uncap the line. 


a.Members are responsible for repair of any broken or leaking pipes/valves/irrigation line on said member’s property.  

b.If said disrepair of irrigation lines or equipment is causing interruption of water to other members’ property during the ongoing scheduled irrigation, repair must be done immediately by member or by Association if member is unable to do so but at member’s expense to ensure delivery of water to all members who have paid for the water. 

c.If not causing immediate interruption of water to other members’ property during the ongoing scheduled irrigation said repair must be done before the next scheduled irrigation.


a.All members receiving water MUST HAVE OR GIVE A CURRENT PHONE NUMBER for emergency contact for the lot receiving water. This is necessary to deal with any broken pipes and valves, leakages or wash outs to contain the water on the lot and to enable others to receive scheduled water.  This is so important that this is a mandatory requirement.  

b.It is recommended that all members have a current e-mail address for routine information.



a.Connection into the supply line and/or installation must be authorized by the Vice President of the Association.

b.Once the request is authorized, the Vice President will arrange with the property owner for a connection and/or installation date.  

c.No connection will be made into the main supply line until all materials required for such connection and/or installation that can shut off the flow of water must be on site before work is started.  

2.UNAUTHORIZED CONNECTION: Any unauthorized connection into the main water line will be considered water theft and will be capped off.


a.The property owner will pay the WHLA the cost of material:  a tee connection plus pipe (usually 10 feet) to run off the existing main line.  These materials become the property of the Association.

b.In addition, to cover the cost of material pickup, installation and bookkeeping, the Association charges a 25% surcharge on costs of material for installation and connection to the main line.

c.The property owner will be responsible for all other costs of the installation, including labor.  If the new or modified installation exceeds 10 feet from the existing main line, a shut off (a gate or butterfly valve) will need to be purchased by the landowner.  These materials become the property of the Association and are to be maintained by the property owner.

d.Costs for digging trenches for valve installation will be incurred by the property owner.  The property owner or subcontractor may be authorized (must be obtained from the Vice President or Water Master) to trench for the hookup.  If any damage is done to the main supply lines by doing so, the cost repairs of such damage will be the responsibility of the property owner.

e.WHLA has authority over ALL valve installations and/or hookups to the main line, including any required shut off valves for installations over 10 feet from the main line.   The WHLA Vice President/Water Master will oversee all valve installations and/or hookups to the main line.

f.Installation costs will be estimated by WHLA before work begins and property owner will need to pay such estimated costs prior to work commencing.  If costs run in excess of estimation, property owner will pay promptly.  Any payment will need to be made before any water is delivered.  Any payment made in excess of above costs will be returned to property owner.

g.Once the property is connected to the main line, water is only delivered to the property if it is eligible for such as explained in Section I above.



a.Repairs and maintenance of the main supply lines will be the responsibility and the cost of the Association.  All repairs and maintenance to the property owner’s valve and tap line within the property owner’s property will be the responsibility and cost of the property owner.

b.And property owner’s valve or tap line on his property found to be broken or leaking, depriving other members of irrigation, must be repaired prior to the next scheduled irrigation.

c.Any maintenance or changing of the system by property owner must be accomplished so it will not interfere with other member’s irrigation.


Prior to any digging, trenching, staking, or drilling (i.e. telephone installation, property leveling, etc.) in or around any main water supply lines the property owner shall notify WHLA.  WHLA will then set up a time with the property owner for WHLA to locate and mark the location of any main supply lines prior to the work being done.  In the event a main supply line is damaged and the WHLA has not been notified and given opportunity to mark the lines, the property owner is responsible for the costs to have the damage repaired.


1.The Association owns easement rights to several belts of land running behind properties and between the streets within Unit 1 and Unit 2 of Waddell Haciendas.  These easements must be kept clear of weeds, trees, walls, debris, etc. to enable access to the water lines and to repair and maintain those lines.  In order to do this, each member is asked to keep these easements clear of said impediments to maintenance and repair.

2.As many property owners are not members, the Association will keep those easements clear at the Association’s cost.             


The irrigation supply and delivery system is owned and maintained by the Association, as well as the easements mentioned above.

Rules and Regulations