Irrigation Problems

The goal of the WHLA Irrigation Board is to provide reliable irrigation. However, there are times when there are problems.  Often this is the case when a customer before you forget to turn off their water and you're left with minimal water pressure or no pressure at all. 

​If you encounter a situation like this, please take the time to look at the schedule and see who was before you. Keeping an open mind, check and see if their water is running. If so, your problem could be solved by simply knocking on your neighbor's door and giving them a courtesy reminder that their water was left on. 

When this isn't the case or the neighbor can't be reached, please contact the WHLA Water Master so the matter can be discussed with the WHLA Board.  ​

The Water Master (WHLA Vice President) position is a volunteer position within the community and the WHLA Board.  The Water Master and WHLA Board members are not employed by the Maricopa Water District, and the board members do not create the schedule for irrigation.

Other potential problems include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Low water pressure at the weir box. (YT video reference)

  • Possible run/leg problem with leaks (irrigation legs are in the alleyways)

  • Possible email issues due to spam filtering (junk mail/spam folders) please check this for potential emails not being received.

The Water Master and WHLA board will do their best to resolve your irrigation problems.

Click here for the Waddell Haciendas Lot overview as a PDF for reference.