New or Prospective Owners

 A Word of Caution from "Old Timers" - Waddell Haciendas is a "County Island" in the midst of the City of Surprise.  It is therefore not subject to taxes or fees placed on property within our development by the City of Surprise.  Recent and prospective buyers of property should review all relevant escrow papers/documents (closing documents) to make sure there are no fees or assessments from the City of Surprise.  If there is a problem, contact the closing agent and/or your realtor.

It would be hoped that this is not currently happening but it has occurred in the past.  So Buyer beware!

Another point is that there are currently no City of Surprise sewer lines in this area.  Presently all properties have, or will need, their own septic systems.  Again, no charges (or taxes) of any sort for sewer lines or hookups to sewer lines by the City of Surprise should appear on any closing statement in escrow (or property tax statement).